Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Taste of Cave Creek

On Thursday, September 25th, Cave Creek will be hosting their annual Taste of Cave Creek event. This year's event organizers contacted the Cave Creek Film and Art Festival and requested that the art juried into the 2008 festival be displayed at the 2008 Taste of Cave Creek. This event will be held in the newly developed Stagecoach Village shopping area. The event draws a number of people. This year's event also takes place the same time that the Arizona mayoral conference takes place at the Carefree Resort. Needless to say I am excited at the opportunity for additional exposure and possible sale of my art work. But I must say the excitement is somewhat heightened by the fact that each artist was given two tickets to the event and four complimentary drink coupons. That brought a smile to my husband's face. Some of our favorite restaurants are in Cave we are looking forward to the event even if art sales do not result from the evening!

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